Pieter L. Rouwendal

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Predestination and Preaching - In Genevan theology from John Calvin to Benedict Pictet
Pieter L. Rouwendal

Predestination and Preaching (Hardcover)

Predestination and Preaching van Pieter L. Rouwendal voor €77.50 - Given the conclusions of recent research, that predestination was no central dogma to, and did not affect the method of reformed theology, this study investigates the question if and how the doctrine of predestination affected the ideas and the...

  • ISBN: 9789491583995
  • Product code: 9789491583995
  • Omvang: 162 x 242 x 25 mm
  • Gewicht: 704,000g
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Hardcover
  • Aantal pagina's: 320
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-08-2016
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 77,50