Tristian Kohl

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The flying start - Well begun is half done!
Bram Moelker, Robert Kleemaier (Vertaler), Tristian Kohl (Vertaler)

The flying start (Paperback)

The flying start van Bram Moelker voor €8.50 - Well begun is half done!A good beginning is of vital importance to everything that follows. Without starting blocks, a sprinter competing at the Olympic Games cannot set a record time, let alone win. If an aircraft does not accelerate down the runway at full speed,...

  • ISBN: 9789490489021
  • Oorspronkelijke titel: De Vliegende Start
  • Product code: 9789490489021
  • Omvang: 146 x 210 x 6 mm
  • Gewicht: 132,000g
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
  • Aantal pagina's: 72
  • Verschijningsdatum: 01-07-2010
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 8,50