Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament

Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament

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Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon is a translation and revision of C.G. Wilke's / C.L. Wilibald Grimm's Clavis Novi Testamenti. Thayer worked nearly thirty years on the English translation. During that time he added thousends of revisions based on newer Greek scholarship.Thayer's provides dictionary definitions for each word and relates each word to its New Testament usage and categorizes its nuances of meaning. Its exhaustive coverage of New Testament Greek words, as well as its extensive quotation of extra-biblical word usage and the wealth of background sources consulted and quoted, render Thayer's an invaluable resource.

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CLC » Boeken » Bijbelstudie
ISBN: 9789057193019
Uitgever: Importantia Publishing
Product code: 9789057193019
Omvang: 145 x 210 x 25 mm
Gewicht: 521,000g
Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
Aantal pagina's: 704
Verschijningsdatum: 24-07-2015
Taal: Nederlands
Productsoort: Boek

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Joseph Henry Thayer

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