Jesus bible for kids
Jesus bible for kids

Jesus bible for kids

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The Jesus Bible for Kids is filled with the most beloved stories about Jesus, each reflecting how much God loves His children. Brightly illustrated and warmly written, each page draws children in and challenges them to learn about Jesus and practice what He teaches. This refreshing collection of true-to-Scripture stories is sure to become a favorite Bible storybook as the life of Jesus unfolds and touches the very heart of a child. Recommended for ages 4 to 8 years.

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ISBN: 9780736967211
Uitgever: Elian
Product code: 9780736967211
Omvang: 18 x 20 mm
Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
Aantal pagina's: 256
Verschijningsdatum: 03-05-2016
Taal: Nederlands
Productsoort: Boek

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