NKJV thinline bible youth edition burgun
NKJV thinline bible youth edition burgun

NKJV thinline bible youth edition burgun

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The KJV Thinline Bible Youth Edition, featuring the timeless beauty of the King James Version, is lightweight and convenient-ideal for students on the go. Striking the perfect balance between portability and readability, this Bible fits easily into purses and backpacks, and it comes with features that will enhance your reading experience: the elegant and readable Thomas Nelson KJV font, two ribbon markers, and the words of Christ in red.

Teens, children, and adults will love this beautiful purple Bible. This Bible is an ideal option to have a name personally engraved. Features include: Exclusive KJV Comfort Print (R) Words of Christ in red Easy-to-read 9-point print size Two ribbon markers Gilded page edges

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ISBN: 9780785225768
Uitgever: Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap
Product code: 9780785225768
Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
Verschijningsdatum: 24-04-2019
Taal: Nederlands
Productsoort: Boek

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