NLT gift bible leather like brown tan
NLT gift bible leather like brown tan

NLT gift bible leather like brown tan

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The New Living Translation is known not only for accuracy and precision but also for uniquely presenting God's Word in gripping heart-leanguage that will touch you persenally..... almost as if the Bible were written just for you. Ideally suited for studying, devotional reading, memorization, and reading aloud, this Gift Bible is perfect because it's so easy to read, so easy to understand. With the words of Christ in red, presentation page, dictionary/ concordance, introduction to the Bible, plan of Salvation, easy to read and understand text. Durable TuTone binding

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ISBN: 9781414316932
Uitgever: Elian
Product code: 9781414316932
Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
Verschijningsdatum: 06-02-2014
Taal: Nederlands
Productsoort: Boek

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