
The 5 Languages of appreciation in the workplace - Empowering organizations by encouraging people

The 5 Languages of appreciation in the workplace voor €19.95 - Dramatically improve workplace relationships simply by learning your coworkers' language of appreciation. This book will give you the tools to improve staff morale, create a more positive workplace, and increase employee engagement. How? By teaching...

  • ISBN: 9780802418401
  • Product code: 9780802418401
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 25-04-2019
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 19,95

Defiant joy - Taking hold of hope, beauty and life in a hurting world

Defiant joy voor €21.50 - Bestselling author Stasi Eldredge shows readers how to choose a joy that stands against the tides of life's real and often overwhelming pain. Walking in joy often feels crazy and like a denial of actual life. Yet Christians are called to "be joyful always" (1 Thess. 5:16). What does...

  • ISBN: 9781400208692
  • Product code: 9781400208692
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 24-04-2019
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 21,50

NKJV deluxe gift bible grey

NKJV deluxe gift bible grey voor €24.95 - The NKJV Deluxe Gift Bible is a great way to celebrate graduations, baptisms, birthdays, or special achievements. This beautifully crafted Bible comes in a variety of Leathersoft covers and includes gilded page edges, a ribbon marker, a presentation page, the words of...

  • ISBN: 9780718075040
  • Product code: 9780718075040
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Leder/Luxe gebonden
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-09-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 24,95

KJV Thinline Reference Bible - Burgundy leather

AANBIEDING VAN €18.50 VOOR €18.50 - KJV Thinline Reference Bible voor €18.50 - The KJV Thinline Reference Bible provides the literary beauty of the King James Version in a handy and easy-to-carry thinline size, with the added readability of Thomas Nelson's custom KJV font. The slim design of this...

  • ISBN: 9780785215745
  • Product code: 9780785215745
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-09-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 18,50

Here am I Lord... send somebody else

Here am I Lord... send somebody else voor €19.50 - Being used by God is an adventure you won't want to miss! - Jill Briscoe, whose extensive writing and speaking ministry has reached millions, draws on the story of Moses and his reluctance to be used by God to show how, through ordinary people, God does the...

  • ISBN: 9780785216780
  • Product code: 9780785216780
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-09-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 19,50

NKJV soft touch bible pink imitation leather

AANBIEDING VAN €10.90 VOOR €10.90 - NKJV soft touch bible pink imitation leather voor €10.90 - The accuracy of the New King James Version is now available in a stylishly classic look with soft and flexible covers and the exclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print (R) typeface - a typeface designed to honor the beauty of the NKJV while providing...

  • ISBN: 9780785219521
  • Product code: 9780785219521
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Leder/Luxe gebonden
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-09-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 10,90

When I don't desire God

AANBIEDING VAN €19.95 VOOR €19.95 - When I don't desire God voor €19.95 - John Piper aims to help us find joy in Jesus that is so deep and so strong that it frees us from bondage to comfort and security, and impels us to live merciful and missional lives. Written with the radical hope that all...

  • ISBN: 9781433543173
  • Product code: 9781433543173
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-09-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 19,95

Good health Good life

Good health Good life voor €11.50 - Drawing from her bestseller Look Great, Feel Great, Meyer offers tips on living your life to the fullest! In this concise guide, she explains that because our bodies are instruments for doing good works, we need to stay in shape. Learn how to maintain a sound mind, body, and...

  • ISBN: 9781455547142
  • Product code: 9781455547142
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-09-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 11,50

3-minute devotions with Charles Spurgeon - 180 readings to strengthen your spirit

3-minute devotions with Charles Spurgeon voor €6.50 - Got 3 minutes? You'll find the wisdom and encouragement you need with these just-right-sized readings from the classic writings of Charles Spurgeon! This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of inspiration into dozens of 3-minute readings designed...

  • ISBN: 9781683221319
  • Product code: 9781683221319
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 18-09-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 6,50

Approval fix

Approval fix voor €14.95 - When we hear the word addiction, we tend to think of unbreakable habits involving drugs or alcohol. But many people struggle each day with a different kind of addiction: a deep need for the approval of others. Their unquenchable thirst for love and acceptance often...

  • ISBN: 9781444785654
  • Product code: 9781444785654
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
  • Verschijningsdatum: 17-08-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 14,95

Enjoy your journey
Joyce Meyer

Enjoy your journey van Joyce Meyer voor €15.95 - Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have achieved a specific goal or position? Jesus came so that you might have and enjoy life (John 10:10). In this compact abridgment, Joyce Meyer...

  • ISBN: 9781473663350
  • Product code: 9781473663350
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
  • Aantal pagina's: 160
  • Verschijningsdatum: 23-07-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 15,95

Thank you God for loving me
Max Lucado

Thank you God for loving me van Max Lucado voor €9.50 - Little Hermie and the baby bug garden friends teach little ones about God's love for them. With sweet illustrations coupled with rhyming text, toddlers will enjoy reading this new series on Hermie when he was little, before graduating to the Hermie &...

  • ISBN: 9781400318049
  • Product code: 9781400318049
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 07-05-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 9,50

Unexpected: leave fear behind
Christine Caine

Unexpected: leave fear behind van Christine Caine voor €18.50 - Is it possible to have peace in an uncertain world? To not only expect the unexpected but embrace it? Most of us want to have life under control. But God wants us to anticipate the unexpected with a faith deeply rooted in his goodness. He wants...

  • ISBN: 9780310352327
  • Product code: 9780310352327
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
  • Verschijningsdatum: 17-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 18,50

Adamant - Finding truth in a universe of opinions

Adamant voor €20.90 - By ancient definition, the adamant was known as both a diamond and a mythical stone of indestructible wonder. In more modern terminology, it describes a posture of unshakeable resolve and determination. If there was ever a time for us to be adamant about love and truth it is now. God is...

  • ISBN: 9780800727253
  • Product code: 9780800727253
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
  • Verschijningsdatum: 17-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 20,90

The masterpiece

The masterpiece voor €19.50 - 'Roman Velasco is a successful commercial and graffiti artist with a mansion overlooking the Topanga Canyons of Los Angeles, California. On the outside, he appears to have everything he could possible want including money, women and fame, yet everyday demons...

  • ISBN: 9781496430601
  • Product code: 9781496430601
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
  • Verschijningsdatum: 17-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 19,50

NLT study bible - Colour hardcover

NLT study bible voor €67.95 - Learn from 50 major evangelical voices (e. g. , Daniel Block, Tremper Longman, Grant Osborne). There are 25,000 study notes; 50,000 cross-references; 300 theme articles; 220 charts, timelines, illustrations, and maps; 200 Greek and Hebrew word studies; 90 profiles of Bible figures;...

  • ISBN: 9781496416650
  • Product code: 9781496416650
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Hardcover
  • Aantal pagina's: 2416
  • Verschijningsdatum: 10-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 67,95

NKJV chronological study bible - Colour hardcover

AANBIEDING VAN €53.95 VOOR €53.95 - NKJV chronological study bible voor €53.95 - 'The Chronological Study Bible is the only study Bible that presents the text of the New King James Version in chronological order - the order in which the events actually happened - with notes, articles, and full-color...

  • ISBN: 9780718020682
  • Product code: 9780718020682
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 09-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 53,95

NKJV foundation study bible - Brown leatersoft

AANBIEDING VAN €37.95 VOOR €37.95 - NKJV foundation study bible voor €37.95 - Build your life on it! It's the perfect foundation for Bible study and the Christian life. The Foundation Study Bible is a thorough, portable, and affordable Bible for students of God's Word at whatever level. It has...

  • ISBN: 9780718035686
  • Product code: 9780718035686
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 09-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 37,95

NKJV large print pew bible - Navy Hardcover

NKJV large print pew bible voor €23.95 - The New King James Bible is one of the best-selling and most-trusted modern English translations. Millions of readers around the world enjoy the beauty of the NKJV, the ease of reading the Bible in today's English, and the accuracy of the translation. The Thomas Nelson...

  • ISBN: 9780718095642
  • Product code: 9780718095642
  • Omvang: 14 x 22 mm
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Paperback
  • Verschijningsdatum: 09-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 23,95

NKJV outreach bible - Color paperback

NKJV outreach bible voor €6.95 - The New King James Version Bible is one of the most trusted, distributed, and best-selling English translations. The NKJV Outreach Bible is ideal for ministries and churches who want to share the Gospel with those interested in God's Word and Christianity. Features such as charts,...

  • ISBN: 9780718097295
  • Product code: 9780718097295
  • Omslag/Materiaal: Boek
  • Verschijningsdatum: 09-04-2018
  • Productsoort: Boek


€ 6,95

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